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Young Children’s Understanding of Helping as Increasing Another Agent’s Utility
Schlingloff-Nemecz, L.; Pomiechowska, B.; Tatone, D.; Revencu, B.; Mészégető, D.; Csibra, G. (2025) in Open Mind 2025/9: 169–188.
Infants Produce Optimally Informative Points to Satisfy the Epistemic Needs of Their Communicative Partner
Tauzin, T., Call, J. & Gergely, G. (2024) in Open Mind 2024/8: 1228–1246.
Do early meanings of negation map onto a fully-fledged negation concept in infancy?
Szabó, E., Kovács, Á. M. (2024) in Cognition, Volume 254, 105929
Early-emerging combinatorial thought: Human infants flexibly combine kind and quantity concepts
Pomiechowska, B., Bródy, G., Téglás, E., & Kovács, G. M. (2024) in PNAS 121(29).
Better Together: 14-Month-Old Infants Expect Agents to Cooperate
Vizmathy, L., Begus, K., Knoblich, L., Gergely, Gy. & Curioni, A. (2024) in Open Mind 2024; 8 1–16.
An initial but receding altercentric bias in preverbal infants' memory
Manea, V., Kampis, D., Grosse Wiesmann, C., Revencu, B. & Southgate, V. (2023) in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 29020230738
Can 18-Month-Olds Revise Attributed Beliefs?
Király, I., Oláh, K. & Kovács, Á. M. (2023) in Open Mind 1-11
Infants do not use payoff information to infer individual goals in joint-action events
Tatone, D., Schlingloff, L. & Pomiechowska, B. (2023) in Cognitive Development, Volume 66, 101329
The pupillometry of the possible: an investigation of infants' representation of alternative possibilities
Cesana-Arlotti, N., Téglás, E. & Varga, B. (2022) in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 377: 20210343
Seeing the World From Others’ Perspective: 14-Month-Olds Show Altercentric Modulation Effects by Others’ Beliefs
Kampis, D., Kovács, Á.M. (2022) in Open Mind, 5, 189–207.
The newborn brain is sensitive to the communicative function of language
Forgács, B., Tauzin, T., Gergely, Gy. & Gervain, J. (2022) in Scientific Reports, 12, 1220.
The origins of trust: Humans’ reliance on communicative cues supersedes firsthand experience during the second year of life
Mascaro, O., Kovács Á.M. (2022) in Developmental Science, 13223.
Consequences of Perspective Taking: Some Uncharted Avenues
Fischer, P., Madarász, L., Téglás, E., & Kovács, Á. M. (2022) in Gervain, Csibra & Kovács (Eds.) A Life in Cognition (pp. 323-334). Springer
Dissociating Measures of Information- and Control-Seeking in 12-Month-Olds’ Contingency Exploration
Téglás, E., Kovács, Á. M., & Gergely, G. (2022) in J. Gervain, G. Csibra, K. Kovács (Eds.), A Life in Cognition (pp. 335-349). Springer.
A Short History of Theories of Intuitive Theories
Mahr, J. B. & Csibra, G. (2022) in J. Gervain, G. Csibra, K. Kovács (Eds.), A Life in Cognition (pp. 219-232). Springer.
Do “knowledge attributions” involve metarepresentation just like belief attributions do?
Dudley, R. & Kovács, Á.M. (2021) in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 44, e149.
Three cognitive mechanisms for knowledge tracking
Kampis, D. & Csibra, G. (2021) in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 44, e157.
Facilitation of object encoding in infants by the observation of giving
Tatone, D., Hernik, M., & Csibra, G. (2021) in Scientific Reports, 11, 18305.
Co-dependency of exchanged behaviors is a cue for agency attribution in 10-month-olds
Tauzin, T. & Gergely, G. (2021) in Scientific Reports, 11, 18217.
For 19-Month-Olds, What Happens On-Screen Stays On-Screen
Revencu, B. & Csibra, G. (2021) in Open Mind (2021) 5: 71–90.
A two-lab direct replication attempt of Southgate, Senju and Csibra (2007)
Kampis, D., Kármán, P., Csibra, G., Southgate, V., & Hernik, M. (2021) in Royal Society Open Science, 8, 210190.
Can infants adopt underspecified contents into attributed beliefs? Representational prerequisites of theory of mind
Kovács, Á. M., Téglás, E., & Csibra, G. (2021) in Cognition, 213, 104640.
Twelve-month-olds disambiguate new words using mutual-exclusivity inferences
Pomiechowska, B., Brody, G., Csibra, G., & Gliga, T. (2021) in Cognition, 213, 104691.
Infants’ interpretation of information-seeking actions
Varga, B., Csibra, G., Kovács, A. (2021) in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43, 472-478.
The effect of source claims on statement believability and speaker accountability
Mahr, J. B. & Csibra, G. (2021) in Memory & Cognition, 49, 1505-1525.
The frequency of referent objects influences expectations about label length
Tauzin, T. (2019) in Acta Psychologica, 196, 70-74.
The effect of disagreement on children’s source memory performance
Mahr, J., Mascaro, O., Mercier, H., & Csibra, G. (2021) in PLOS One, 16(4): e0249958.
A multi-lab study of bilingual infants: Exploring the preference for infant-directed speech
Byers-Heinlein K., et al. (incl. Hernik, M; and Kovács AM.) (2021) in Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 4(1), 1-30
The development of gaze following in monolingual and bilingual infants: A multi-laboratory study
Byers-Heinlein, K., et al. (including Hernik, M; and Kovács AM.) (2021) in Infancy, 26(1), 4-38.
Infants recruit logic to learn about the social world
Cesana-Arlotti, N., Kovács. Á.M., & Téglás, E. (2020) in Nature Communications, 11, 5999.
Do Infants Think That Agents Choose What’s Best?
Schlingloff, K., Tatone, D., Pomiechowska, B., & Csibra, G. (2020) in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 42
Ten-month-olds infer relative costs of different goal-directed actions
Pomiechowska, B. & Csibra, G. (2020) in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 42, 391-396.
Electrophysiological investigation of infants’ understanding of understanding
Forgács, B., Parise, E., Csibra, G., Gervain, J., Baross, J., Gergely, G.,& Király, I. (2020) in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 43.
Acquiring sub-efficient and efficient variants of novel means by integrating information from multiple social models in preschoolers
Altinok, N., Hernik, M., Király, I., & Gergely, G. (2020) in Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 195, 104847.
Do 15-month-old infants prefer helpers? A replication of Hamlin et al. (2007)
Schlingloff, L., Csibra, G., & Tatone, D. (2020) in Royal Society Open Science, 7: 191795.
Quantifying Sources of Variability in Infancy Research Using the Infant-Directed-Speech Preference
The ManyBabies Consortium, incl. Mikołaj Hernik (2020) in Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(1), 24-52.
The dimensions of episodic simulation
Mahr, J. (2020) in Cognition, 196(3), 104085.
Giving, but not taking, actions are spontaneously represented as social interactions: Evidence from modulation of lower alpha oscillations
Yin, J., Tatone, D., & Csibra, G. (2020) in Neuropsychologia, 139(2), 107363.
How 15-month-old infants process morphologically complex forms in an agglutinative language?
Ladányi, E., Kovács Á.M., & Gervain, J. (2020) in Infancy, 25(2), 190-204.
Context-sensitive adjustment of pointing in great apes
Tauzin, T., Bohn, M., Gergely, G., & Call, J. (2020) in Scientific Reports, 10, 1048.
Witnessing, Remembering, and Testifying: Why the Past Is Special for Human Beings
Mahr, J. & Csibra, G. (2020) in Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(2), 428-443.
Natural pedagogy of social emotions
Gergely, G. & Király, I. (2019) in Foundations of Affective Social Learning (pp. 87-114). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Variability of signal sequences in turn-taking exchanges induces agency attribution in 10.5-mo-olds
Tauzin, T. & Gergely, G. (2019) in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(31), 15441-15446.
14-Month-olds anticipate others’ actions based on their belief about an object's identity
Buttelmann, F. & Kovács, Á. M. (2019) in Infancy, 24(5), 738-751.
Minimal Cues of Possession Transfer Compel Infants to Ascribe the Goal of Giving
Tatone, D., Hernik, M., & Csibra, G. (2019) in Open Mind, 2019, 31-40.
Lexical Acquisition Through Category Matching: 12-Month-Old Infants Associate Words to Visual Categories
Pomiechowska, B. & Gliga, T. (2019) in Psychological Science, 30(2), 288-299.
Infant gaze following depends on communicative signals: An eye-tracking study of 5- to 7-month-olds in Vanuatu
Hernik, M. & Broesch, T. (2019) in Developmental Science, e12779.
Fourteen-month-old infants track the language comprehension of communicative partners
Forgács, B., Parise, E., Csibra, G., Gergely, G., Jacquey, L., & Gervain, J. (2019) in Developmental Science, 22(2), e12751.
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